Biomed recertification
Completed BioMed training within the last four years? Recertify to extend your certification to five years from your original certification date.
Our hands-on training programs give biomeds and clinical engineers the expertise to keep your Mizuho OSI equipment maintained to the highest standards of safety and protect your ROI.
6875 Hana Orthopedic Surgery Table Training
Hands-on training for the 6875 Hana Orthopedic Surgery Table
7803 Trios Surgical Table System Training
Hands-on training for the 7803 Trios Surgical Table System
6988 ProAxis Spinal Surgery Table Training
Hands-on training for the ProAxis® Spinal Surgery Table
Completed BioMed training within the last four years? Recertify to extend your certification to five years from your original certification date.
Once your table is up and running, your Mizuho OSI account manager will schedule an in-service training with your team, to make sure your OR staff are comfortable operating the table and all its features.
We want you to feel confident using Mizuho OSI surgical products. To help you get the most out of your equipment, we offer a variety of resources including setup guides and support videos for spine, orthopedic and imaging procedures.
Request a visit to our Customer Experience Center in the San Francisco Bay Area and discover for yourself the Mizuho OSI difference.